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Το όνομα της Αθήνας έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί για πόλεις σε όλο τον κόσμο. Είναι η μόνη πόλη που έχει δώσει το όνομά της σε τόσο μεγάλο αριθμό πόλεων. 

Υπάρχουν τουλάχιστον 60 πόλεις στον κόσμο που ονομάζονται Αθήνα. Ανεπίτρεπτο! Η Αθήνα είναι μια και είναι Ελληνική! Αθηνομάχοι όλου του κόσμου ενωθείτε! Τίποτα δεν τελείωσε! 

Πόλεις που ονομάζονται Αθήνα:

* Athens, Αttiki, Greece
* Athens Alabama, USA
* Athens Arkansas, USA
* Athens California, USA
* Athens Ohio, USA
* Athens Georgia, USA
* Athens Illinois, USA
* Athens Indiana, USA
* Athens Kansas, USA
* Athens Lexington Kentucky, USA
* Athens Louisiana, USA
* Athens Somerset Maine, USA
* Athens Calhoun Michigan, USA
* Athens Mississippi, USA
* Athens Missouri, USA
* Athens New York, USA
* Athens Ohio, USA
* Athens Pennsylvania, USA
* Athens Tennessee, USA
* Athens Texas, USA
* Athens Vermont, USA
* Athens West Virginia, USA
* Athens Wisconsin, USA
* Athens Ontario, Canada
* Athenstedt, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
* Athens of Ayrshire – Troon, Scotland
* Athens of Cuba – Matanzas, Cuba
* Athens of Egypt- Alexandria, Egypt
* Athens of Finland – Jyväskylä, Finland
* Athens of Florida – DeLand, Florida, USA
* Athens of Indiana – Crawfordsville, Indiana, USA
* Athens of Latin America – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
* Athens of Minas Gerais – Juiz de Fora, Brazil
* Athens of North America – Boston, USA
* Athens of Sicily – Catania, Italy
* Athens of South America – Bogotá, Columbia
* Athens of the Bodrog – Sárospatak, Hungary
* Athens of the East – Madurai, India
* Athens of the Middle Ages – Florence, Italy
* Athens of the North – Edinburgh, Scotland
* Athens of the South – Nashville, USA
* Athens of the Southern Hemisphere – Dunedin, New Ziland
* Athens of the West (early 19th c.) – Lexington, USA
* Athens of the West – Berkeley, California, USA
* Athens on the Isar – Munich, Germany
* Athens on the Spree – Berlin, Germany
* Athens on the Torysa – Prešov, Slovakia
* Brazilian Athens – São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil
* Czech Athens – Krnov, Scotland
* Lusa Athens – Coimbra, Portugal
* Sardinian Athens – Nuoro, Italy
* Serbian Athens – Novi Sad, Serbia
* Siberian Athens – Tomsk, Russia
* Athens of the South – Tampa, Florida, USA

:) Mck, Αθήνα (Ελλάδας), 2019


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