A book one brings while in a bathroom defecating or urinating.
The first letter of the word "internet" (διαδύκτιο), an acronym.
Noun: scintilla; plural noun: scintillae; plural noun: scintillas. A tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling., "A scintilla of doubt". Synonyms: particle, iota, jot, whit, atom, speck, bit, trace, ounce, shred, crumb, fragment, grain, drop, spot, modicum, hint, touch, suggestion, whisper, suspicion. Example: "You haven't got a scintilla of evidence to back that up". Origin: Late 17th cent. from Latin. Translate "scintilla" to Greek: Ιχνος, σπινθήρας, σπινθήρ.
Etymology: Borrowed from Latin dubitāre, the infinitive of dubito. Dubitare (intransitive), to doubt, to hesitate. Related terms: dubbio, dubitabile, dubitante, dubitativo. Translate "dubitare" to Greek: Αμφισβητώ, αμφισβητήσιμο.
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