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Innocent victims of war or future warlords? 
Passed and gone the sixteenth circle of the current second millennium. 

We also contributed in this rotation of ours around the sun, like last year, like in the thousands of years of our permanently repeating history, adding our own protector of all, the sovereign, the highest of all, the authority we obliged to refer with respect and fear, our underworld which is essentially a reflection of our current daily life. A routine that resembles but is not, a routine that seems to support the growth and progress in life through a spirituality that looks at the future. It seems fake and is fake. It is our daily dose supporting our utopian delusions, it is the supplementary food for our illusions. 

We mark, as we say, the development, the opportunities and the power to the efforts of us all and exclude, as we claim, whatever represents our dark side, the fear, the repression, the fixation, the underground threat,  the sneaky methods. 

Our internal dimension, we labelled it as noble competition and development for progress, as evolution, as rising of the soul and, alongside with our ongoing transformation into shared objects, we presented it as change, as denaturation at a higher level. We renamed the enforcement in teaching and learning and we mutated the simple and final death in a symbolic death and rebirth. 

We could perhaps through this interest in some context, to understand our instincts, our fears and weaknesses, to dominate them in order to protect ourselves from their rule. But no. Only working relationships we have built, people simply walking together for a period of our lives we still are. We rammed even deeper into this game of constant struggle of domination and dependency and we generously offered wider field behind the strings for those who have the influence and domination, for the rulers everywhere. 

In each and every level, we brought to the light voracious instincts, tough, combative, provocative and excessively tensed. We promoted as a virtue the desire for dominant power and brought out as a need to impose domination over peoples, over fellow human beings, over weak and over those who feel and are unprotected.

Underbidding the offer for the right to power to world-class abusers, we  stared them idly to play nasty games against you and us. We brought to the surface any loss of law, protection and welfare and we deify fear and terror, repression and the demonstration of power

We permitted the imposition of force on the side of the powerful and we accepted their authority to exist, flamboyant, provocative, absolute and dogmatic.

We gave ample publicity to these works exploiting bigotry and repression and have accepted by whispering and lowering our eyes, our disability of reaction. 

The illicit arms of any power is fear, terror, threat, physical or symbolic death, exploitation, manipulation, economic or political abuse. We allowed them that too. We undone ourselves and we left room for speculators and embezzlers to violate the sense of fairness, of harmony, of the serenity of our limits. 

At no level we did not help the actuarial of the values ​​and the substance and generally of those around us. And as the natural creativity hampered and we are experiencing the losses in one way or another, decay led us back into the extreme realization that everything is passing and transient. We experienced it at the surface and revealed a rampant anarchy against anyone we were able to attack, after we ultimately removed any sense of justice could stop us. We experienced it in depth and trapped in the profitable for the rulers and exhausting for ourselves shielding need beneath defense mechanisms of protection and self-protection. 

There were exorbitant the profits that we gave to those carrying the message of purification of our personal dark elements, as well as those with which we instructed by the natural or artificial environmental change.

Although we saw the boot of power in our chest, although we felt the dependence or the weakness of our transition away from it, even though we had to find a mode of reaction, we never wanted to see that perhaps the only thing could help us before we destroy one another and all of them together, it would be to make our life's evaluation. Not with guilt, but consciously. To discover errors and sensitivities, instincts and passions, our own or others against us. And try to act and react in a coordinated way, truly believing that in the end we will find balance and peace.

Watchfulness, we forgot that our strength will be tested again and again. Never we turned to the power that is within us, nor we switch in productive reaction and we did not blocked the dark action from wherever it comes from, either by others or by ourselves. We remained victims of any power, physical, emotional and intellectual.

Not even we stood away from dogmatism, fanaticism, materialism and other obsessions. We did not empowerment ourselves to change the imbalance between the spirit, the soul and the nature. Passively we stared at this unholy alliance methodically composes this cycle of stress, of paranoia and of competition and not poured as a punch against the system that violates our rights, denying our values, which demolishes bridges and build unlimited prisons for our soul and our mind.

Once more, for another rotation of ours around the sun, we did not give the battle, we did not even deign the obvious, that life anyway is a constant battle between growth, death and rebirth.

So happy will not be for us the seventeenth circle of the current second millennium and that's what we deserve.

I'll be the first in misery.

Wishful thinking and curses are irrelevant.- 


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